48th PLMA Conference

49th PLMA Conference Full Wednesday Agenda

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Kati Harper, Portland General Electric Conference Co-Chair
Kati Harper

Portland General Electric
Jenny Roehm, Schneider Electric Conference Co-Chair
Jenny Roehm

Schneider Electric
Jordan Folks, Opinion Dynamics Conference Co-Chair
Jordan Folks

Opinion Dynamics
WIFI Sponsored by Resideo Grid Services
Resideo Grid Services
Mobile App Sponsored by Resideo Grid Services
Resideo Grid Services
AV Sponsored by OATI
Registration Desk Sponsored by EnergyHub
Power Alley Sponsored by ecobee

Full Agenda

Wednesday, May 8
(Click on the down arrows to see the sessions in each track!)

8:00 - 9:00 am Breakfast in the Sponsor Lounge | Atrium Ballroom
9:00 - 9:30 am
Chris Ashley, EnergyHub Co-Chair Chris Ashley
Tom Breare, Kraken Co-Chair Tom Breare

Embracing A Greener Future Through Batteries, DR, and Competitive Procurement
In 2018, NY State issued an order establishing ambitious energy storage development goals. Con Edison responded with a 2020 battery DR program. Since its inception, 8+MW of batteries have enrolled, with more expected. The utility has also developed battery auto-enrolling software, calling the batteries through an API protocol, analyzing their performance, and paying customer incentives. Learn all about this program’s incentives, results, and customer engagement.

Gerrianna Cohen, Con Edison Gerrianna Cohen
Con Edison
Parth Viswanathan, EY Parth Viswanathan
Leigh Winterbottom, ICF Co-Chair Leigh Winterbottom
Troy Eichenberger, Tennessee Valley Authority Co-Chair Troy Eichenberger
Tennessee Valley Authority

Closing the Feedback Loop from DR Impacts to Effective Marketing
Now in its fifth year, PGE’s Peak Time Rebates Program provides a reliable load resource, fueled by partnering with enrollee customers to shift energy use during summer and winter peak events. The cornerstone of this successful program is identifying ideal customers to target via program-specific micro-segmentation based on E Source’s DR analytics. Learn how PGE uses these microsegments to market to high performing customers, monitor enrollee composition, and evaluate results.

Lisa Timmerman, Portland General Electric Lisa Timmerman
Portland General Electric
Will Gifford, E Source Will Gifford
E Source
Sponsored by OATI OATI
Allison Hamilton, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Co-Chair Allison Hamilton
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
Michael Brown, Berkshire Hathaway, NV Energy Co-Chair Michael Brown
Berkshire Hathaway, NV Energy

Providing Statewide Resilience: Beyond Extreme Events
California’s Demand-side Grid Support program enables utilities and third parties to support grid stability with flexible resources, helping mitigate the impacts of extreme events and emergencies. Approved through 2027, this program has enrolled over 300 MW of capacity and continues to evolve, providing flexible options to fuel growth and grid stability. Learn about recent results, updates to program design, plus observations and lessons learned from both administrator and provider perspectives.

Beth Reid, Olivine Beth Reid
Olivine Inc.
Devon Schmidt, Olivine Devon Schmidt
Olivine Inc.
Charlie Buck, Sacramento Municipal Utility District Charlie Buck
Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Derek Kirchner, TRC CompaniesChair Derek Kirchner
TRC Companies

ICE 2.0: Quantifying the Cost of Climate-Driven Power Interruptions
Climate change has caused an increase in extreme weather events, resulting in more frequent power outages. The economic burden of these interruptions, estimated at over $150 billion annually in the U.S., represents a significant and increasingly relevant cost of climate change. Utilities and policymakers must understand the magnitude of interruption costs and which customers are most impacted by outages. To allow stakeholders to estimate these costs, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and Resource Innovations (RI) are collaborating on a nationwide study to modernize the Interruption Cost Estimate (ICE) Calculator.

Kristina LaCommare, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Kristina LaCommare
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Ridge Peterson, Resource Innovations Ridge Peterson
Resource Innovations
9:30 - 10:00 am

BTM Energy Storage Expected Performance During Heat Dome Events
California’s 2022 heat dome event created life-threatening conditions and grid constraints. BTM storage helped enhance customer resilience and peak demand relief during the event, as California has 1,000+ MW of BTM residential storage power installed. Unknown is the percentage of that capacity already being dispatched versus the incremental capacity available from these systems in an emergency. Learn how storage incentivized through the Self-Generation Incentive Program performed during the heat dome and how non-program storage is used.

Brian McAuley, Verdant Associates Brian McAuley
Verdant Associates
Abigail Nguyen, Pacific Gas and Electric Company Abigail Nguyen
Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Improving Customer Choice, Reducing Bills, and Shifting Loads Via Time Varying Rates
Using smart meters, PSEG Long Island deployed four voluntary TOU rates with different peak windows, rate structures, and prices. They enrolled 12,000 customers in year one, with an outsized share of sites charging electric vehicles. Learn about the rates customers elected, the TOU customer characteristics, load shifting results, whether structural benefiters delivered demand reductions, and whether participation and load and bill impacts differ from sites with and without electric vehicles.

Josh Bode, Demand Side Analytics Josh Bode
Demand Side Analytics
Tim Larsen, Ph.D., Demand Side Analytics Tim Larsen, Ph.D.
Demand Side Analytics
Sponsored by OATI OATI

Supporting Grid Resilience in Puerto Rico with LUMA
Puerto Rico’s utility LUMA designed an EV program to collect data insights about local customer charging patterns while encouraging beneficial charging habits through monthly on-bill credits. Learn about the challenges of delivering electricity to EV drivers on an island grid system with significant and growing solar and storage assets. LUMA and WeaveGrid are working to use these assets to their fullest capacity and also expect a future where EVs serve as grid assets.

Larissa Paredes Muse, LUMA Puerto Rico Larissa Paredes Muse
LUMA Puerto Rico
Brad Davids, WeaveGrid Brad Davids

Learnings From the Northwest on Equitable DR Program Design
Seattle City Light (SCL) has long worked to eliminate racial disparities and achieve equity through the city’s Race and Social Justice Initiative. In its first DR pilot, TempWise, SCL strived to understand and address participation barriers. Launching TempWise, SCL plus ICF and Kambo worked with community-based organizations to glean critical insights on language, housing type, and income barriers to DR participation. Learn about their findings and the marketing strategies they developed as a result.

Emma Johnson, Seattle City Light Emma Johnson
Seattle City Light
Steph Hsiung, ICF Steph Hsiung
10:00 - 10:30 am

Load Shaping with Batteries: A California 2023 Summer Reliability VPP
During CPUC’s 2023 Summer Reliability Proceeding, PG&E partnered with Sunrun on its Peak Power Rewards (PPR) program, the U.S.’ largest residential VPP. The program quickly achieved its maximum enrollment of 8,500 Sunrun customers and consistently provided an average of 27 MW during a two-hour net evening peak for 90+ consecutive days, frequently supplying the grid with 30+ MW. Learn about this large-scale VPP, the program design, plus a strategic vision to scale VPP deployment nationwide.

Mark Salavitch, Pacific Gas & Electric Company Mark Salavitch
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Yang Yu, Sunrun Inc. Yang Yu
Sunrun Inc.

Evergy’s Transition to Time Based Rates, Powered by Oracle
In December 2022, Missouri’s PSC ordered Evergy to convert all residential customers to mandatory TOU rates by December 2023, build a customer awareness + education plan by June, and start conversions by October. Evergy worked with Oracle Opower to motivate 30% of customers to pre-enroll in a TOU, then exceeded expectations with 90+% customer awareness of the new rate options and mandatory change. Learn how Evergy set a new national standard for time-based plan implementations.

Courtney Prewitt, Evergy Courtney Prewitt
Melissa Leymon, Opower Melissa Leymon
Sponsored by OATI OATI

Connected Communities: Frameworks for Utility Interaction and Coordinated Control
Connected communities are groups of grid-interactive efficient buildings that work together to address grid challenges and building needs. Learn about DOE’s Connected Communities program and 10 large, complex projects in which diverse stakeholders are deploying cutting-edge approaches to enable DERs, community- and grid-scale benefits. We’ll also explore the different architectures needed for utility interaction with community-scale coordinated controls, and how coordination architectures vary by stakeholder, and by the utility’s and the bulk power grid’s needs.

Lazlo Paul, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Lazlo Paul
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

EV Load Shapes: The Crystal Ball of Utility Programs and Planning
Utilities, regulators, governments, and the public are concerned about grid reliability with the advent of EVs. Join us to learn about actual U.S. EV load shapes; variability in charging between EV models across both days and months; driving pattern differences by model, battery size, and charging speed; managed vs. unmanaged charging; temperature and weather impacts on charging, battery drawdown, and driving habits; and how load shapes inform distribution operations, DR targeting, and forecasting.

Bill LeBlanc, LeBlanc Energy Innovation Bill LeBlanc
LeBlanc Energy Innovation
10:30 - 11:00 am Refreshment Break in the Sponsor Lounge | Atrium Ballroom
Sponsored by Sense Sense
11:00 am -12:00 pm
Joel Schofield, Threshold Co-Chair Joel Schofield
Jeff Ihnen, Michaels Energy Co-Chair Jeff Ihnen
Michaels Energy

Assessing Customer Experience and Business Models around Price-to-Device Communication and Control Pathways
California has identified dynamic retail price response as a key strategy for grid reliability and decarbonization. The CEC-funded $16M CalFlexHub program demonstrates many price-responsive flexible load technology solutions for buildings and EV charging. These include four unique communication-and-control pathways that incorporate the roles of DER device manufacturers, third-party aggregators, and others. Learn about the underlying business models and how they impact customer cost, user experience, and continuity of the solutions, based on SCE’s field demonstration projects.

Jingjing Liu, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Jingjing Liu
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Denver Hines, Sacramento Municipal Utility District Denver Hinds
Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Shreyas Vangala, West Monroe Partners Co-Chair Shreyas Vangala
West Monroe Partners
Jon Hilowitz, Orange and Rockland Utilities Co-Chair Jon Hilowitz
Orange and Rockland Utilities

Yes, Smart Thermostats Can Do More Than DR!
Smart thermostats offer a whole new game! PG&E and Uplight studied automated thermostat responses during everyday TOU rate hours, in addition to running DR events. Tracking benefits closely, their demand-side analytics compared smart thermostat device data with the SmartMeter data from PG&E customers in order to pinpoint the tangible values. Learn about the three-year customers results from those who elected TOU automated response, and see the noticeable differences across thermostat manufacturers.

Wendy Brummer, Pacific Gas and ElectricWendy Brummer
Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)
Josh Bode, Demand Side Analytics Josh Bode
Demand Side Analytics
Chris Lefaivre, Uplight, Inc. Chris Lefaivre
Uplight, Inc.
Corey Wheat, Copeland Co-Chair Corey Wheat
Brad Davids, WeaveGrid Co-Chair Brad Davids

11:00 -11:30 am | Overcoming Winter DR Challenges: Results from Seattle’s BYOT Pilot
In addition to winter peaks growth in the Northwest, technology interactions, customer experiences, and a lack of shared utility experiences also present challenges. Learn about a direct load control pilot in Seattle that includes smart thermostats for electric furnaces, heat pump systems, and line-voltage thermostats. It explored a range of different dispatch strategies, including events with pre-conditioning and variable thresholds, and delivers best practice insights for winter season DR, plus takeaways around heat type and equipment.

Emma Johnson, Seattle City Light Emma Johnson
Seattle City Light
Scott Reeves, Cadeo Scott Reeves

11:30 am -12:00 pm | Addressing the Rapid Rise in Winter Peak Demand
This session will highlight the underappreciated importance of planning for winter peaks, and will identify options that are available to utilities and regulators to manage that new risk cost-effectively and reliably.  The session will begin with a discussion of the emerging challenge, which will be followed by examples of utility and regulatory initiatives underway to address the challenge.  For example, in Colorado, Xcel Energy has identified a need to develop the winter capability of their DR portfolio.  In the Midwest, resource planning has begun to account for winter peaks due to gas curtailments.  Lessons learned from winter peaking utilities (e.g., in the Northwest) and gas utilities implementing demand response programs will be discussed as well.

Ryan Hledik, The Brattle Group Ryan Hledik
The Brattle Group
Debyani Ghosh, Guidehouse Co-Chair Debyani Ghosh
Melissa Leymon, Oracle Co-Chair Melissa Leymon

11:00 -11:30 am | Enterprise DRMS to Reduce Technical Debt and Increase Program Automation
In late 2021, SDGE undertook a revamp of its demand management capabilities to simplify solutions and eliminate manual processes by centralizing all DR program management into one software solution that supported the complete DR program lifecycle, including calculating baselines with same day adjustments and the corresponding payments and penalties, full CAISO integration, and support for third-party aggregators. Learn about SDGE’s legacy DR environment, its current one, and the lessons learned in this transition.

Kathryn Smith, San Diego Gas & Electric Kathryn Smith
San Diego Gas & Electric

11:30 am -12:00 pm | Engagement Platform—Voice Automation and Smartphone App for Load Management
PG&E’s Customer Engagement Platform demonstration project leveraged residential voice-assistant technology (i.e., Amazon’s Alexa smart speaker) as well as mobile telephone app functionality to engage with and educate residential customers on energy usage, PSPS, bill forecasts, and time-of-use (TOU) rates. Pilot objectives included: deployment and refining of the Energy Expert Alexa smart speaker skills and mobile phone application; understanding the effectiveness of the platform to provide information to residential customers; and providing notifications of events of immediate impact to their safety and lives. The evaluation focused on studying participant energy usage changes following usage-related notifications and understanding customer perceptions, interactions, and feedback on usability and features. Participants generally reported that the information they received from the pilot was accurate, useable, and easy to understand. Customers who received High Price notifications exhibited hourly peak-period load reductions that ranged from 3% to 5% that were incremental to impacts attributable to their TOU rate.

Albert Chiu, Pacific Gas & Electric Albert Chiu
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)
Orly Hasidim, Universal Devices Orly Hasidim
Universal Devices
Eric Bell, Apex Analytics and Resource Innovations subcontractor Eric Bell, PhD
Apex Analytics
12:00 - 1:30 pm Lunch in the Sponsor Lounge | Atrium Ballroom
12:15 - 1:15 pm
Denise Munoz, Commonwealth Edison Denise Munoz
Erica Keating, SCE Erica Keating
Southern California Edison
Janet Zavala, SCE Janet Zavala
Southern California Edison
Michaela Lewin, Uplight Michaela Lewin
1:30 pm Sponsor Lounge Closes
Closing Session | Grand Ballroom I and II
Sponsored by Kraken Technologies Kraken Technologies
Hilary Polis, Opinion Dynamics Co-Chair Hilary Polis
Opinion Dynamics
Richard Barone, Oracle Utilities Co-Chair Richard Barone
Oracle Utilities
1:30 - 2:30 pm

Looking Beyond Managed Charging
Studies indicate EV impacts to electric utilities could surpass $200 billion by 2050, while individual EV deployments could cost an average utility ~$1,700 to $5,800/yr each, through 2030. These findings suggest non-traditional solutions for minimizing grid impacts and managing grid load are necessary to achieving national decarbonization goals. Join us to discuss utility challenges to integrating EV fleets, alleviating their impacts, and accommodating more EVs through advanced data analytics and managed charging.

Mathew Stinnett, Knoxville Utility Board Mathew Stinnett
Knoxville Utility Board
Brian Grunkeymeyer, FlexCharging Brian Grunkeymeyer
Mark Rawson, Rhythmos Mark Rawson
2:30 pm

Welcome to Brooklyn for the 50th Conference!

Gerrianna Cohen, ConEd Gerrianna Cohen
2:40 pm

Closing Remarks

Robin Maslowski, Guidehouse Robin Maslowski
2:45 pm Ice Cream Social | Ballroom Foyer
Sponsored by Resource Innovations Resource Innovations
3:15 - 5:00 pm ULME