Michael Brown Berkshire Hathaway, NV Energy
Frank Brown Bonneville Power Administration
Michael Ohlsen City of Tallahassee Utilities
Amanda Day Consumers Energy Company
Greg Flege Dairyland Power Cooperative
Josh Bode Demand Side Analytics
Eddie Ortiz Edison Electric Institute
Brian Grunkemeyer FlexCharging
Aaron Gold Honeywell Smart Energy
AJ Howard Linden Clean Energy
Doug McGowen Memphis Light, Gas and Water
Allison Hamilton National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
Diane Levin New York Power Authority
Jim Musilek North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation
Brenda Hunt Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Sarah Russell-Smith Octopus Energy
Garry Jones Oncor Electric Delivery
Jon Hilowitz Orange and Rockland Utilities
Philip Tucker Panasonic Smart Mobility Office
Susan Marinelli Pepco Holdings, an Exelon Company
Kati Harper Portland General Electric
Nonette Surbaugh Public Service Company of Oklahoma
Meghan Jennings Rappahannock Electric Cooperative
Charlie Buck Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Brad Mantz San Diego Gas & Electric
Darren Hanway Southern California Gas Company
Lee Hamilton Tri-State Generation & Transmission
Laree St. Onge Trico Electric Cooperative
Mike Smith Utility Load Management Exchange