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39th PLMA Conference Agenda
May 13-15, 2019 in Minneapolis, MN
This event has ended. If you are looking for the conference resources, visit www.peakload.org/39th-conf-resources.

Conference Co-Chair Jeff Haase Great River Energy |
Conference Co-Chair Patrik Ronnings Xcel Energy |
Monday, May 13, 2019 Optional Concurrent Pre-Conference Events |
PLMA Interest Group Meetings |
8:00 - 9:00 am |
Shared Interest Group Breakfast
9:00 am - 4:30 pm |
Evolution of Demand Response to Distributed Energy Resources: Fundamentals and Path Forward This one-day course explains how today’s demand response initiatives are evolving to interact with an emerging future with distributed energy resources for peak load management and much more. The course content expands on the Evolution of Demand Response whitepaper and discussion. Separate Registration Required.
Co-Chair Mark Martinez Southern California Edison |
Co-Chair Christine Riker Energy Solutions |
Interest Group Activities (included in conference registration) Join the PLMA Interest Groups for candid, interactive roundtables and workshops among load management practitioners from utilities and solution providers who are actively engaged in the load management industry. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from and share with your peers successes and challenges in these key areas of interest. Interest Group Activities are included in conference registration and open to both members and non-members. No limit on which you choose to attend. Learn more about PLMA Interest Groups
9:00 am |
Beneficial Electrification’s Role in Meeting New Load Management Challenges Co-presented by Beneficial Electrification League with PLMA
Interactive roundtable with candid discussion on ways that electric utilities and solution providers are rethinking silo’ed demand response, energy efficiency and renewable energy activities to leverage them with load-building initiatives to “valley fill” and meet other strategic load challenges as beneficial electrification. Come prepare to learn and share what you’re doing to better serve end-users in ways that keep electricity affordable, meet emission reduction goals, and modernize the grid as load management becomes more challenging.
As the grid gets greener, every electric end use attached to the grid also gets greener over time. Mounting research suggests that proactive electrification of energy end uses—such as space heating, water heating, and transportation—is needed if the United States and the world are to achieve ambitious emissions reduction goals for carbon dioxide. This concept, the electrification of energy end uses that have been powered by fossil fuels (natural gas, propane, gasoline, diesel, or fuel oil) in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, is called “environmentally beneficial electrification” or Beneficial Electrification (BE). BE is emerging as a fundamental organizing principle supporting load management, demand-side management (DSM) and demand response (DR) efforts.
9:00 – 9:30 am Framing the Promise and Potential of Beneficial Electrification
Moderator Gary Connett Beneficial Electrification League |
Keith Dennis NRECA |
Margaret Cherne-Hendrick Fresh Energy |
9:30 – 10:30 am From Products & Programs to Public Awareness & Market Transformation Roundtable discussion where attendees will share what they are doing now or considering to re-deploy existing programs and/or planning new ones to load address load management challenges in ways that would be considered beneficial electrification as framed by the open panel discussion.
Co-Moderator Troy Eichenberger Tennessee Valley Authority |
Amanda Levin NRDC |
10:30- 11:00 am Key Takeaways and Resources Closing remarks to summarize key lessons learned from today’s discussion and resources available to keep the conversation going.
Co-Moderator Gary Connett Beneficial Electrification League |
Co-Moderator Jeff Haase Great River Energy |
Co-Moderator Steven Koep Beneficial Electrification Ambassador |
Co-Chair Scott Coe GridOptimize |
Co-Chair Ross Malme Skipping Stone |
This International Interest Group meeting will focus on the Japan electricity and natural gas markets. As a result of the Fukishima nuclear accident, METI, the Japanese regulator has determined the retail and wholesale electricity and natural gas markets should be deregulated. The retail electricity market deregulated in April 2016 followed a year later by the retail natural gas market. Today there are over 87 million retail electricity customers in Japan available to choose their electricity supplier (about three times the number in the US). This session will be anchored by two presentations followed by spirited discussions. The first will be an overview of the wholesale and retail electricity and natural gas markets by Ross Malme of Skipping Stone, including current retail customer switch rates, regulatory policy issues, and new business opportunities available to the international energy and energy technology business community.
The second presentation will be by Jim Richardson of Landis + Gyr focusing on the Tokyo Electricity Power Company (TEPCO) Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project (AMI) where TEPCO is installing over 27 million AMI meters over a 5 year period at a rate of 30.000 meters per day and applications which TEPCO plans for the massive amount of customer usage data available from the system.
Jim Richardson Landis + Gyr |
11:00 am |
Evolution Training & Interest Group Lunch
12 noon |
Connected Devices
Co-Chair Justin Chamberlain CPS Energy |
Co-Chair Poornima Eber National Grid |
Co-Chair Olivia Patterson Opinion Dynamics |
Co-Chair Tamer Rousan Ameren |
Customer Engagement
Co-Chair Andrea Simmonsen Idaho Power Company |
Co-Chair Sharyn Barata Opinion Dynamics |
Co-Chair Scott Jarman Austin Energy |
The Future of Voice Automation A Joint Session of the Connected Devices and Customer Engagement Interest Groups Welcome to the Twin Cities and Prince’s homeland! We’ll be bringing you all that’s new in the Connected Devices world, with a twist. Our first session combines the Customer Engagement and Connected Devices Interest groups to host “Voice Assistance: Hey Siri. Let’s Go Crazy!” This session will feature the rise of voice assistance and demand side management. Customers have always had a voice in the utility industry, but are now using it in different ways. Hear from industry experts on new trends and current programs using voice automation to support Demand Response and utility customer engagement. Panelists will share their thoughts related to the market landscape of voice assistance, as well as case studies from utility and vendor partners.
Voice Assistance: Hey Siri. Let’s Go Crazy! After we learn about Voice Assistance, there's much more… We’ll hear from Brian Kirchman from ComEd about their latest innovative voice assistance pilot, Essie Snell from E-Source about his research across the country, and ecobee and Google about their latest products that incorporate these skills.
Brian Kirchman Commonwealth Edison |
Essie Snell E Source |
Sarah Colvin ecobee |
Aaron Berntd Google |
IDSM: I Just Want Your Extra and Your Demand IDSM: I just want your extra and your demand”, where representatives from CPS Energy and Xcel Energy will discuss their latest efforts to offer integrated EE and DR portfolios and pilots, and Olivia Patterson from Opinion Dynamics will share evaluation considerations for integrated program and portfolio design. .
Poornima Eber National Grid |
Justin Chamberlain CPS Energy |
George Beatty Xcel Energy |
Co-Chair Olivia Patterson Opi |
The Struggle for Device Control Privately owned demand response resources, renewable energy systems, and other distributed energy resources (DERs) are creating some anxiety for grid owners and operators. The initial response within utility operations departments has been to seek control over every aspect of these resources in the field and to gain full functional control of devices like thermostats, water heaters, inverters, etc. This approach, however, begs the question as to whether it would be prudent for utilities to try to directly control potentially millions of customer-owned systems. Years of experience in traditional Demand Response (DR) programs have taught us that there are alternative strategies to controlling demand-side resources.
This presentation will touch on some alternative control strategies using existing standards which can provide utilities with a clear demarcation point between their control network and customer-side equipment; taking some responsibility off the utilities’ shoulders and improve cyber security. At the same time, it enables manufacturers to develop smart systems that are not subject to direct external control.
Don Dulchinos Open ADR |
Justin Chamberlain CPS Energy |
Breakout Sessions with Topical Discussion The topics for discussion include: What does market adoption look like for these products? How do customers engage? What types of programs/skills are in development or piloted? What lessons have been learned from early offerings?
Next Steps
2:00 pm |
Evolution Training & Interest Group Refreshment Break
2:30 pm |
DER Integration
Co-Chair Rich Barone Hawaiian Electric Company |
Co-Chair Matt Carlson Aquanta |
Co-Chair John Powers Extensible Energy |
The DER Integration Interest Group’s Spring 2019 workshop will build upon the groundwork laid in Austin. This interactive, engaging session will start with a portrayal of “rubber-hits-theroad” real world Non-Wires Alternative scenarios where distribution needs have been identified and solicitations and procurement of DER solutions have followed as an alternative to more conventional utility-asset investments. With that as a backdrop, the co-chairs will depict a mock T&D need/solicitation scenario and the interest group will break out into proposal teams. Over the course of an hour, the teams will develop strawman proposals and present their proposals to the larger group at the conclusion of the workshop. The intent of this exercise is to expose the group to the types of considerations and parameters that need to be taken into account as the DR industry evolves into an increasingly dynamic, DER-heavy arena.
Women in DM
Co-Chair Melissa Knous Duke Energy |
Co-Chair Erika Diamond EnergyHub |
Co-Chair Lenore Zeuthen Zeuthen Management Solutions |
Join us for our fireside chat, "Entrepreneurship at Work," featuring Laurie Duhan (Director, Choice Programs, Baltimore Gas & Electric) and Robyn Link (Principal, ICF). Hear how these senior executives built the DM practices at their respective companies and gain insight applicable to your own career path. We'll continue the conversation with round table breakout groups focusing on entrepreneurship at utilities, tech companies and consulting firms.
4:30 - 5:30 pm |
PLMA Interest Group Meetup All interest group and training registrants are welcome to attend the meetup to network and learn how to make the most of the Conference activities.
6:00 - 8:00 pm |
Board of Directors Meeting Business meeting with working dinner for Board members and At-Large Representatives listed at www.peakload.org/plma-leadership only.
8:00 - 10:00 pm |
PLMA Member Welcome Reception at SEVEN on the Rooftop 700 Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55403 Join your fellow PLMA members for great networking and refreshing drinks. Open to all conference attendees at no additional fee, compliments of PLMA members. Not a member? Join us anyway and see what you’re missing.
Wi-Fi Host: EnergyHub
Tuesday, May 14, 2019 |
7:30 - 8:30 am |
Breakfast Buffet in Sponsor Lounge
Morning General Session 1
Co-Chair Troy Eichenberger Tennessee Valley Authority |
Co-Chair Jenny Roehm Schneider Electric |
8:30 am |
Opening Remarks Michael Brown, Berkshire Hathaway, NV Energy
8:40 am |
Welcoming Remarks Brian Doyle, Xcel Energy
9:00 am |
The Future of Distributed Energy Resources Where do today's load management activities (including demand response, energy efficiency, and renewable energy programs) fit in a distributed energy resource (DER) future of non-wires alternatives, storage and more? This roundtable discussion will seek to detail industry initiatives where leading utilities are partnering with allies to demonstrate the path to a more integrated approach to distributed energy resources (DERs). A primary focus will be to explore the key takeaways for senior utility executives with DER responsibilities. Co-moderators and panelists are participants in the PLMA Future of DER Compendium. Download the compendium at www.peakload.org/future-of-der-compendium
Richard Philip Duke Energy |
Michael Brown Berkshire Hathaway, NV Energy |
Rich Barone Hawaiian Electric Company |
John Powers Extensible Energy |
9:45 am |
The Potential for Load Flexibility in Xcel Energy’s Northern States Power Service Territory In this presentation, Brattle and Xcel Energy will discuss a newly published assessment of opportunities to expand Xcel Energy’s DR portfolio, which is already one of the largest utility DR portfolios in the nation. The presenters will focus on the potential benefits and challenges of “DR 2.0” programs that extend the DR value proposition to include renewables integration services and geo-targeted T&D investment deferral. The presentation will include discussion of Xcel Energy’s first-hand experience in planning and developing these new programs.
Jessie Peterson Xcel Energy |
Ryan Hledik The Brattle Group |
10:15 am |
Refreshment Break in Sponsor Lounge
Morning General Session 2
Co-Chair Ruth Kiselewich ICF |
Co-Chair J.T. Thompson Enbala |
10:45 am |
Lessons from the Grid-Edge: Operationalizing a Customer Driven DSM Portfolio at Entergy The utility industry has been driven into the digital age through the interrelated forces of distributed generation and customer engagement. How do distributed energy resources (DR and DGen) mesh with a centralized utility planning paradigm? How does management at the grid-edge change the utility-customer relationship? Entergy shares lessons learned from the creation of an enterprise customer-facing product portfolio.
Dean Chuang Entergy |
Matt Croucher Entergy |
John Boudreaux Entergy |
11:30 am |
PLMA Awards Program The 16th PLMA Awards Program recognizes energy industry leaders for the best peak load and demand response management initiatives from calendar year 2018. See the April 17 announcement of who will be recognized at www.peakload.org/awards. They are:
Program Pacesetters: Pacific Gas and Electric Company and Olivine for Excess Supply Demand Response Program; Portland General Electric and Enbala for Distributed Flexibility at Scale; and Indiana Michigan Power and Tendril for Residential Integrated Demand Side Management Approach
Thought Leaders: Efficiency Vermont, Green Mountain Power, and Dynamic Organics for Flexible Load Management; and Eversource Energy for Commercial & Industrial Active-Demand Management Demonstration
Technology Pioneers: Bonneville Power Administration, Portland General Electric, and Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance for Water Heater Communications; Rocky Mountain Power for Frequency Dispatch; and Viking Cold Solutions for Using Thermal Energy Storage as a Grid Asset
Laurie Duhan Baltimore Gas and Electric and Award Group Co-Chair |
Mike Smith National Grid and Award Group Co-Chair |
Dain Nestel ecobee and Award Group Co-Chair |
12 noon |
Lunch Buffet in Sponsor Lounge
Afternoon General Session 1
Co-Chair Patrik Ronnings Xcel Energy |
Co-Chair Joseph Childs Eaton |
1:30 pm |
The Story of a Rural Public Power District–Before and After Distribution Connected Wind Power Generation Utility-scale distributed generation is growing at an increasingly faster pace every year in the United States. This presentation discusses a research study conducted on a rural public power district system, evaluating the before and after effects of distributed generation for the public power district. Did the localized wind power generation tied into the distribution grid benefit the Public Power District? If so, in what ways? The research analysis is driven based on data collected by the distribution level SCADA system. How did the distribution connected wind generation address the Summer peak demand? Discussion will include auxiliary benefits of voltage and frequency regulation are and the increase in the daily energy sale during the summer days of load control hours.
Tim Ramaekers Loup Public Power |
Adam Herink Bluestem Energy Solutions |
Srikanth Madala Bluestem Energy Solutions |
2:00 pm |
Small City, Big Savings: Grand Rapids Solar Plus In 2018, Grand Rapids Public Utilities (GRPU)–a retail provider supplied by Minnesota Power—stepped to the forefront of solar plus load management strategies, working with a team led by Cliburn and Associates, with Extensible Energy and an active group of stakeholders. The plan leverages battery storage and DR to make a community solar option more valuable–and affordable. Specifically, analysis showed community solar alone delivering a utility benefit/cost (B/C) ratio just shy of 1:1, but with storage, the B/C ratio for the overall project lands in the range of 1.5:1, with even greater savings available from DR companion measures. 2 MW of PV plus storage is now in procurement, with support from the wholesale supplier, Minnesota Power. This presentation features the utility manager’s perspective, plus process insights that will help other utilities replicate this solution, and will help vendors understand how they can be part of the solar plus storage (and DR) revolution.
Jeremy Goodell Grand Rapids Public Utilities Commission |
Jill Cliburn Cliburn and Associates |
2:30 pm |
Evaluating What Works: A Tale of Two Aggregations TVA and DNV GL recently completed an evaluation comparing outcomes of two different demand response aggregation structures: 1) an aggregation formed and managed by a third-party provider, and 2) a local power company aggregation. This presentation will share highlights of the evaluation and discuss lessons learned regarding the best way to structure a DR aggregation; contract elements to consider; and the potential value propositions to the generation and transmission entity, the utility (local power company), the aggregation vendor, and the end-use customer. Tracy and Luisa will also share findings regarding baseline determination and the measurement of impacts.
Tracy Schmidt Tennessee Valley Authority |
Luisa Freeman DNV GL |
3:00 pm |
Refreshment Break in Sponsor Lounge
Afternoon General Session 2
Co-Chair Jeff Haase Great River Energy |
Co-Chair David Hyland Zen Ecosystems |
3:30 pm |
Demand Response for Distribution System Management Most demand response (DR) programs participate in wholesale markets or are used for utility level peak shaving. The Con Edison electric DR programs are unique in that they are used to manage localized distribution level issues, including contingencies. This presentation will discuss Con Edison’s experience using DR to help manage the distribution grid and how this can be applied to a wider variety of distributed energy resources in the future, including:
- how Con Edison uses DR for localized distribution system management and contingency response;
- major differences between using DR for wholesale market or peak shaving purposes and contingency response;
- benefits and drawbacks of using DR for distribution system management;
- how management sets the stage for using a wider variety of distributed resources for distribution level contingency response and distribution system management;
- challenges that need to be addressed for wider adoption.
Shira Horowitz Con Edison |
4:00 pm |
National Grid’s Journey from BYOT to BYOD In the summer of 2018, National Grid expanded ConnectedSolutions, the utility’s Bring Your Own Thermostat® demand response program, to include customer-owned solar and energy storage systems. While the transition from BYOT to BYOD is a popular idea, few utilities have seized the opportunity and implemented programs that include multiple device classes on such a short timeline. In order for the transition to work, National Grid needed to develop a program that’s not only fair and exciting for customers, but could also maintain flexibility to react to anticipated step changes in market dynamics, asset deployment, technology and software improvements, and the regulatory environment in the coming years. In this presentation, representatives from National Grid, EnergyHub, and Sunrun will outline how they managed to stand up the program on a tight deadline by leveraging National Grid’s customer engagement practices, Sunrun’s statewide sales and installation infrastructure, and EnergyHub’s DERMS platform.
Michael Smith National Grid |
Chris Ashley EnergyHub |
Steve Wheat Sunrun |
4:30 pm |
Sponsor Showcase Lightning Round In this 30-minute session you will hear from several of our sponsors about the essence of their solutions. Our Co-moderators have vetted the presentations and helped the sponsors get their key messages compressed down to 3 minutes. This is not a marketing pitch, but a statement from the sponsors on specific examples of how they provide value.
Showcase Presenters:
JP Harper CPower Energy Management |
Joseph Childs Eaton |
Phil Scarbro EFI |
Frank Maciel NTC |
Linda Stevens OATI |
Sally Jacquemin Open Systems International |
Emilie Stone Tendril |
5:00 - 7:00 pm |
Networking Reception in Sponsor Lounge Hosted by AutoGrid A key value to PLMA events is the opportunity to network with conference participants. Join us for cocktails and appetizers. Come and share what you learned and get additional details about your topics of interest.
Wi-Fi Host: EnergyHub
Wednesday, May 15, 2019 |
7:30 am |
Breakfast Buffet in Sponsor Lounge
Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Track A – Load Management Planning
Co-Chair Richard Philip Duke Energy |
Co-Chair Meridith Nierenberg West Monroe Partners |
8:30 am |
Outreach to Achieve Load Management Success This panel will have two short presentations and then will engage audience participants in a discussion about the challenges of outreach for novel and or complex technologies such as DR, DG, and Storage.
Increasingly, programs must provide compelling reasons and actionable paths forward for building owners/operators/project developers. It is not enough to offer incentive dollars; rather programs must use marketing and technical expertise to instill confidence in nascent markets for advanced DR and DG projects. Program-specific outreach and technical assistance campaigns not only attract participants, but also to provide technical assistance from project feasibility through installation and successful project performance. Using examples from NY and CA, ERS and CSE will share experiences from their outreach, education, and technical assistance campaigns for a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Program, an Energy Storage Program, and Automated Demand Response. These are systematic and multi-pronged approaches to educate consumers on technologies, benefits, and value propositions and provide comprehensive technical assistance.
We will discuss outreach and technical assistance best practices and share lessons learned for getting customers to yes in order to scale up to meet program goals. The panel will engage the audience in a discussion on approaches and value of providing expanded outreach services to advance the more complex load management projects. Topics of discussion will include: marketing and education, customer targeting, vendor engagement, workforce engagement, and aligning utility and customer objectives.
Sean Sevilla Center for Sustainable Energy |
Jeff Perkins ERS |
Gita Subramony ERS |
9:00 am |
Changing Landscape Utilizing a multifaceted approach is a key driver in the evolution of Energy Efficiency and Demand Response. CPS Energy was able to take this philosophy a step further with using multiple vendors and integrating EE and DR programs across all customer segments. This session will demonstrate how other utilities can use the changing landscape of devices for their benefit and learn how to expand a small program to meet the demands of today.
Julie Cain CPS Energy |
Craig Henry Honeywell |
9:30 am |
Zero to Sixty: Quantifying the Electric Vehicle Surge Plug-in electric vehicles (PEV) are expected to increase by nearly 550% in Puget Sound Energy’s (PSE) territory by 2050, including light-, medium-, and heavy-duty PEVs. This growth will provide PSE with both significant opportunities and challenges associated with charging load management. This presentation will discuss the approaches PSE and Navigant applied to: 1) forecast the market adoption of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty PEVs by vehicle class, ownership model, and powertrain in PSE’s territory through 2050; and 2) forecast the hourly load associated with charging light-duty PEVs for each zip code within PSE’s territory. The approaches and results of this analysis can help utilities understand how to start quantifying the PEV load available for managed charging—and what that load will look like on an hourly basis across different charger types and use cases at a granular locational level.
Graham Marmion Puget Sound Energy |
Robin Maslowski Navigant |
Track B – Evolving Devices
Co-Chair Debyani Ghosh Navigant |
Co-Chair Mark Rupnik Connected Energy |
8:30 am |
The Right Business for a Connected Thermostat Program In 2018, NV Energy had over 8,500 thermostats at over 1,000 sites enrolled in their Commercial DR program. This large-scale program provides the opportunity to identify the business types and sizes that produce the largest reductions. This presentation will evaluate the reductions per thermostat by business type and size. The results will be presented to help utilities target their thermostat program to businesses that will improve their cost-effectiveness of their thermostat programs. It also provides a platform for which utilities can engage with their customers by educating them that they are the “right” business that will experience energy savings.
Kim Kraunz ADM Associates |
Michael Brown Berkshire Hathaway, NV Energy |
9:00 am |
The “You” In Time-of-Use Time-of-Use (TOU) plans are being rolled out across North America, including a statewide transition in California beginning this year. However, relying on customers to actively adapt to TOU could ultimately disappoint as TOU becomes just one more thing for customers to ‘deal with’ in their already-complex lives. Karen and Jon will present the results of a pilot that sought to help customers save on their energy bills by optimizing ecobee smart thermostat operations around TOU, while balancing customer comfort and experience. Running in California, Arizona and Ontario, Canada, the pilot yielded interesting answers to the following questions: Do customers care about TOU rates? Can there be meaningful energy savings and DR load shed on top of daily TOU management? How much EE+DR+TOU is too much? The panel will discuss perspectives from the pilot and where TOU management is headed.
Karen Herter Herter Energy Research Solutions |
John Houle ecobee |
9:30 am |
“Desert DERT”: DER Technology in the Desert from Design to Reality Since 2016, Tierra Resource Consultants (Tierra) has been working with Arizona Public Service (APS) to design and implement an integrated Distributed Energy Resource initiative with a diverse range of DER technologies including battery storage, grid-connected water heaters, smart thermostats, and smart inverters. This presentation will provide an overview of progress to date on the Rewards project and discuss steps it takes to go from designing an integrated DER strategy all the way through selecting DER technologies, implementing a coordinated DER control platform, and working with customers to control distributed technologies to help them save money on time differentiated TOU/demand based rate plans while also serving grid needs.
Renee Guillory Arizona Public Service |
Tom Hines Tierra Resource Consultants |
Tyler Rogers EnergyHub |
10:00 am |
Refreshment Break in Sponsor Lounge
Track C - Research
Co-Chair Kitty Wang Energy Solutions |
Co-Chair Joel Schofield Threshold |
10:30 am |
The Future of Demand Response EV Managed Charging Programs Managed charging is a growing form of demand response in many parts of the country. Recent major state commitments and automaker announcements have solidified electric vehicle technology and have given utilities good reason to pay attention to this coming flexible load. SEPA has worked diligently with our members for the past three years to develop relevant and practical EV content. This presentation will highlight findings from the recently published, updated, “Utilities and Electric Vehicles: The case for managed charging” report scheduled to be released. These findings include utility responses to a recent SEPA EV managed charging survey, the growth of managed charging capable equipment vendors over the past two years, new case studies, and an updated overview of managed charging open standards both for the EV charging equipment and for automaker telematics. Download the report: sepapower.org/resource/a-comprehensive-guide-to-electric-vehicle-managed-charging/
11:00 am |
The State of Energy Consumers Today This session will provide attendees with an up-to-date look at the interests, motivations and behaviors of U.S. energy customers as they relate to smart energy technologies, programs and services. Using insights derived from SECC's "2019 State of the Consumer" report and a series of utility case studies published in 2018, this session will help attendees understand what consumers value most as it relates to energy and what actually makes them move from interest to program engagement. Insights will be backed by extensive consumer surveying and real-life examples of what has worked for utilities in the field.
Nathan Shannon Smart Energy Consumers Collaborative |
11:30 am |
Behind-the-Meter Distributed Energy Resources–Lessons Learned from California This presentation will cut through the hype and dig into real world data on how behind-the-meter (BTM) distributed energy resources (DERs) such as energy storage systems in California are affecting customer bills, load shapes, and the environment; and the role DER management systems must play in integrating these technologies. A recently published Itron study looking at nearly one thousand energy storage systems found that BTM storage is providing tangible benefits–primarily customer bill savings and demand response options for utilities. However, research findings indicate that BTM storage systems are often increasing load during the most critical demand hours and increasing greenhouse gas emissions. In this presentation we will explore these findings in detail, discuss the influence of rate design on DER behavior, and discuss how utilities can leverage DERMS to optimize the signals they send to customers and simultaneously provide benefits to customers, the utility, and the environment.
William Marin Itron |
Track D - Technology
Co-Chair Allison Hamilton NRECA |
Co-Chair Clare Valentine E Source |
10:30 am |
Flexible Water Heater DR (CTA-2045 & LCS) Otter Tail Power (OTP) and OATI set out to evaluate existing and new water heater capabilities and how they can be used for advanced and fast-acting energy market products. The project includes a full DERMS solution deployment, integrated field assets, and a real-time algorithm that is capable of regulation speed control and measurement. The project focuses on scalability, increasing energy efficiency, and truly vetting the commercial viability of the new technology. The project set out to collect data and control events to show that a fleet of water heaters could be used to follow a market's regulation signal. By evaluating and successfully controlling to the most demanding requirements, we could ensure all levels of Market Services could be achieved with a single DERMS solution and a mix of hardware solutions.
Jason Grenier Otter Tail Power Company |
Walter Kalsow OATI |
Matt Kiesow OATI |
11:00 am |
Safely Integrating 3rd Party DERs onto the Utility System More and more entities are proposing behind the meter distributed energy resources which can potentially present a problem for utilities as they try to maintain safe and reliable electrical service. Without any insight into the ongoing operations of third-party owned DERs, the utility has a large blind spot, especially around voltage fluctuations and its ability to prevent flicker. This presentation will focus on the steps one utility took to ensure the safety and reliability of the grid by: 1) developing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that it used as a template to control the siting and dispatch of DERs within its service territory by third parties that were going to be dispatched in aggregate; and 2) the governance structure it developed to ensure that all relevant internal parties were aware of any potential dispatches in order to minimize any adverse conditions.
Michael Goldman Eversource |
11:30 am |
Demand Response Potential Using Conservative Voltage Reduction (CVR) CPS Energy, a San Antonio based municipally owned utility serving over 1.2 million customers in the ERCOT market, implemented a conservation voltage reduction (CVR) program to reduce coincident peak demand during the summer of 2018. CVR provides a unique opportunity to reduce system losses, energy consumption and peak demand charges by maintaining feeder voltage at the lower end of the acceptable range. Program design and implementation challenges include substation selection, access to SCADA/power quality data and executing CVR in conjunction with CPS Energy’s demand response portfolio. This presentation, in collaboration with a representative from Frontier Energy, will report distribution automation deployment experience, implementation strategy and EM&V findings to accurately quantify program savings leveraging CPS Energy’s smart grid infrastructure.
Touseef Mohammed CPS Energy |
Lucy Zhu Frontier Energy |
12 noon |
Lunch Buffet in Sponsor Lounge
Closing General Session
Andrea Simmonsen Idaho Power Company |
1:30 pm |
FERC Policy Update FERC released a few policies in 2018 that effect DER participation in the market. This panel session will provide an overview of the regulations and update on the activities around the policies at the ISO markets and RTO regions. Utilities will provide comments on how they see these policies affecting their current and future activities. Order 841: Electric Storage Participation in Markets Operated by RTOs and ISOs requires ISO to implement market mechanisms to allow storage in markets that will discharge and recover at LMP prices. Order 842: Essential Reliability Services and the Evolving Bulk-Power System—Primary Frequency Responses requires all interconnected generators (including DERs) provide frequency response. Order 845: Reform of Generator Interconnection Procedures and Agreements set new rules and standards for pricing and dispute resolution on generators to add resources to the transmission system.
Moderator Joseph Childs Eaton |
Kun Zhu Midcontinent Independent System Operator |
Marcus Hawkins Organization of MISO States |
Cynthia Brady Exelon Business Services Company |
2:30 pm |
Welcome to St. Petersburg Bob Donaldson, Duke Energy
2:40 pm |
Closing Remarks Laurie Duhan, Baltimore Gas and Electric
2:45 pm |
Ice Cream Social in Sponsor Lounge with Utility Load Management Exchange
Utility Load Management Exchange Activities
The Utility Load Management Exchange (formerly the Advanced Load Control Alliance) mission is to promote load control as a viable option for utility deployments in demand reduction, economic dispatch, and/or T&D reliability through a forum for utility staff members to share information on program design, marketing, vendor management, benefit-costs and technology deployments.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019 |
7:30 - 8:30 am |
ULME Pre-Meeting Breakfast at PLMA Join us for a quick meet and greet before the conference gets underway. |
Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 3:00 - 5:00 pm and Thursday, May 16, 2019, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (Open to Utility Representatives Only, Registration Required) |
Wednesday, May 15
3:00 - 5:00 pm |
Utility Load Management Exchange Spring 2019 Meeting
6:00 - 8:00 pm |
Utility Load Management Exchange Spring 2019 Meeting Networking Dinner
Thursday, May 16
8:00 am - 4:00 pm |
Utility Load Management Exchange Spring 2019 Meeting (includes breakfast and lunch)