Interest Group: Retail Pricing![]() The PLMA Retail Pricing Interest Group seeks to examine pricing- and rate-based demand flexibility mechanisms and programs. The group does not focus on a specific technology or solution. The Group serves as a forum for sharing ideas, lessons learned, and best practices as it relates to the interconnection of retail pricing and demand flexibility. Through online and in-person events, the Group will cover rates/program evaluations, program design concepts, market assessments, savings potential, and more. Rate/Program Types that may be considered:
Evaluation Topics to consider:
Implementation Topics to consider:
Group Leadership
Upcoming Activities - Coming Soon!Archived ActivitiesHOT TOPIC: How It Started vs. How It's Going HOT TOPIC: Critically Peaking: Xcel Energy’s CPP Journey with C&I Customers HOT TOPIC: How Utilities Are Leveraging In-Home Technologies to Adaptively Respond to Dynamic Pricing Signals HOT TOPIC: Voices of Experience: Residential Demand Charges at Electric Cooperatives HOT TOPIC: TOU Programs: Best Practices for Design, Implementation, and Customer Engagement HOT TOPIC: Managing EV Load With and Without AMI: TOU Rates and Alternative Approaches HOT TOPIC: Con Edison's Residential Demand Rate Pilots Inaugural 2020 Pricing Interest Group Meeting + Findings from the Maryland Time-of-Use Pricing Pilots Pre-Conference meeting at the 36th PLMA Conference in Cambridge, Mass. Nov. 13, 2017. Retail Pricing Interest Group Pre-Conference Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, April 3, 2017 Retail Pricing Interest Group Kickoff Meeting Founding Interest Group Meeting, August 15, 2016 PLMA Interest Group participation is available to PLMA member practitioners only, but any organization is welcome to join PLMA. For more information about PLMA membership, email [email protected]. |