• Archived Presentations (click on Speaker name)

16th PLMA Spring Conference
April 28-29, 2015
Tucson, Arizona

Gain real-world insight from market practitioners, technology firms, and energy utilities/marketers active in the demand response marketplace. About 150 industry professionals are expected to attend, including: energy utility/marketer/regulatory staff, responsible for demand response as well as Industry advisors, including consultants as well as product and service providers.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

7:30 - 8:30 am Breakfast Buffet in Sponsor Lounge
Morning Emcee: Brian Doyle, Xcel Energy

8:30 - 8:40 am Opening Remarks: Rich Philip, Duke Energy and PLMA Vice Chair

8:40 - 9:00 am Welcoming Remarks: Denise Richerson Smith, Tucson Electric Power

9:00 - 9:30 am Keynote Address
David G. Hutchens, President and CEO, Tucson Electric Power and UNS Energy Corporation

Mr. Hutchens served as a nuclear submarine officer in the U.S. Navy and worked as an engineer before joining TEP in July 1995. He advanced to various management positions and became a Vice President in January 2007 before being named President in December 2011 and Chief Operating Officer in August 2013. He assumed his current role as the company's top executive in May 2014. Mr. Hutchens graduated from the University of Arizona with a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering and an MBA with an emphasis in finance.

9:30 - 10:30 am Investor-Owned Utility Issues Roundtable
Co-moderators: Rich Philip, Duke Energy with Elody Samuelson, Consumers Energy

Insight on: Renewables Integration; Impacts of EPA ruling 111(d); Impacts of vacation of FERC 745; Impediments to new product offerings; and How to transition to new technologies when you have a large installed base of switches.

  • Paul Miles, PECO, an Exelon Company
  • Sebastien Csapo, Pacific Gas & Electric Company
  • Katie Panek, Westar Energy

10:30 - 11:00 am Refreshment Break

11:00 am - 12 noon Consumer-Owned Utility Issues Roundtable
Co-moderators: Heather Manypenny, New Hampshire Electric Cooperative with Joseph Childs, Eaton

Perspectives on DR from Consumer Owned power utilities. The session will focus on current efforts and what these utilities see as their future direction and vision. The panelists will provide their perspective on the key issues affecting Consumer Owned Utilities and what solutions are required.

  • T.J. Kirk, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
  • Phil Asbury, Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative
  • Justin Chamberlain, CPS Energy
  • Josh Rasin, Sacramento Municipal Utility District

12 noon - 1:00 pm Lunch Buffet in Sponsor Lounge Sponsored by Intelligent Energy Solutions LLC (IES)

1:00 Afternoon Emcee: Michael Brown, NV Energy

1:00 - 2:00 pm The 12th PLMA Awards Program
Co-moderators: Brian Solsbee, Tennessee Valley Authority and Ray Pustinger, Alternative Energy Systems Consulting

Each year the PLMA recognizes industry leaders who create innovative ideas, methods, programs and technologies that meet peak load needs, respond to variable generation, manage end use loads and mitigate price risks. This session will feature the award winning initiatives from calendar year 2014 and provide the opportunity to hear from the award winners themselves.

2:00 - 3:00 pm Regional Perspectives on EPA 111(d)
Co-moderators: Leslie Waters, Tucson Electric Power with Bob King, Good Company Associates

As its proposal stands now, compliance with the EPA Clean Power Plan would force most states to develop integrated resource plans and require a new level of flexibility in the operation of electric power grids like we have never seen. This flexibility will allow for the drastic reduction of CO2 levels as required by EPA under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. Moreover, many states will have to increase their commitment to energy efficiency and renewable efforts to help meet the ruling's requirements, and potentially develop new or additional ancillary services, and even energy storage. What will be the role of Demand Response? Can it lower CO2 emissions?

  • Erik Bakken, Tucson Electric Power
  • Kenneth Colburn, The Regulatory Assistance Project
  • Brett Feldman, Navigant Research
  • Mona Tierney-Lloyd, EnerNOC

3:00 - 3:30 pm Refreshment Break Sponsored by Opower

3:30 - 4:30 pm PLMA Snake Pit: What's Better: Direct Control Technology vs. Dynamic Rates vs. Behavior
Snakes: Stuart Schare, Navigant, Jason Cigarran, Comverge and Ward Eames, NTC Corporate

Three contestants each representing unique points of view about the best DR investment will compete in the PLMA Snake Pit in the style of TV's Shark Tank. In the end, the audience will choose who survived the Snakes and will emerge from the Pit and crowned PLMA Snake Pit winner and receive fabulous prizes. Investments in Dynamic Pricing, Direct Control Technology and Behavioral DR will be discussed, questioned and debated. Snake Pit contestants are:

  • Steve Hambric, VP, Strategic Sales and Operations – at Comverge (Direct Control)
  • Nick Payton, Associate Director, Product Marketing & Strategy – Opower (Behavioral)
  • Dan Violette, Managing Director, Energy Practice – Navigant (Dynamic Pricing)

4:30 - 5:15 pm Sponsor Showcase Lightning Round
Co-Moderators: Jenny Roehm, Schneider Electric and Joe O'Malley, Mad Dash

Lightning-fast round of introductions to companies that offer leading-edge technology and service innovations. Emphasis will be on field applications and utility case studies. Listen closely to capture the quiz question answers to enter to win a valuable prize.

  • Joseph Childs, Eaton's Cooper Power Systems
  • Jason Cigarran, Comverge
  • Brad Davids, Nest Labs
  • Ward Eames, NTC Corporate
  • Carl Huppert, Nexant
  • Justin Louis, Landis+Gyr
  • Charlie Gloeckner, Ecofactor
  • Ed Smith, IES
  • Dave Hyland, Schneider Electric
  • David Olberholzer, Weatherbug

5:15 - 7:00 pm Networking Reception in Sponsor Lounge Sponsored by Comverge

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Track A — Customer Engagement
Emcee: Ishtiaq Chisti, Southern California Edison


8:30 am - 10:00 am Residential Customer Engagement
Co-moderators: Elody Samuelson, Consumers Energy with Jenny Roehm, Schneider Electric

The landscape of demand response is changing rapidly, providing utilities with new avenues to engage and retain residential customers. Simultaneously, technologies from smart thermostats to advanced usage information blur the lines between demand response and energy efficiency. Join industry thought leaders, emerging technology providers, and evaluators to examine multiple facets of engaging residential customers from research to practical application. The panel members will discuss learnings from current studies and developing trends, including how the internet of things changes the game, and the will wrap up with some practical program application and a robust Q&A

  • DR Trends in a Rapidly-Shifting Landscape, K.C. Boyce, Chartwell
  • Recency Studies: Evaluating the Effect of Air Conditioner Control Events on Participant Comfort, David Ladd, Cadmus
  • How does one target and engage various consumer segments to participate in energy efficiency and demand response programs?, Patty Durand, Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative
  • How the Internet of Things (IoT) will Change the DR and EE Game, Amena Ali, WeatherBug Home
  • Co-Moderator Elody Samuelson, Consumers Energy
  • Co-Moderator Jenny Roehm, Schneider Electric
  • David Ladd, Cadmus
  • KC Boyce, Chartwell
  • Patty Durand, Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative
  • Amena Ali, Weatherbug Home

10:00 - 10:30 am Refreshment Break

10:30 am - 12 noon Small-Medium Business Customer Engagement
Moderator: Melanie Wemple, E Source

  • Identify the unique needs of small-to-mid size C&I consumers and how they affect Demand Response participation, Bob Donaldson, Duke Energy, with Mark Kerbel, REGEN Energy
  • Xcel Energy case study, Jonathan Bach, Xcel Energy

Track B — Market Issues
Emcee: Steve Koep, Vaughn Thermal Corp.

8:30 am - 10:00 am Markets and Technology Panel
Co-moderators: Dave Hyland, Schneider Electric with Joe O'Malley, Mad Dash

  • Valuing Demand Response in Mesh Networks, Lucas Finco, Consolidated Edison Co. of New York
  • Taking the Long View on Automated Demand Response and Financing Permanent Capacity Savings, Dennis Quinn, Joule Assets
  • How OpenADR enhances small-to-mid C&I consumer participation in utility DR programs, Carl Besaw, Southern California Edison
  • Emerging Markets, Andrew Levitt, PJM Interconnection

10:00 - 10:30 am Refreshment Break

10:30 am - 12 noon Pricing Panel
Moderator: Anna Agarwal, The Brattle Group

Dynamic pricing has come a long way over the past decade with implementations ranging from pilots to full scale deployments. The persistence of the impacts; customers' interaction with enabling technologies and the variation of impacts for different demographic segments have been widely discussed topics. In this session, we will hear about the latest on: (i) Multiple impact evaluations of one of the longest-running permanent technology-based critical peak pricing programs in the U.S. Gulf Power Company's EnergySelect program has been in place for 15 years and continues to enroll new customers; (ii) how dynamic pricing affects so-called vulnerable populations (low-income, elderly among others) and how responsiveness to dynamic pricing varies by different demographic segments; and (iii) effectiveness of smart thermostats in boosting TOU program impacts in a study undertaken by SRP and EnergyHub.

  • Integrating Smart Thermostats with Time-of-Use to Improve Peak Reduction, Hilen Cruz, Salt River Project, with Matt Johnson, EnergyHub
  • Tying Differences in Peak Demand Behavior to Differences in Residential Customers: A Review across Multiple Utility Dynamic Pricing Pilots, Liesel Hans, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Presentation not published at presenter's request.  Please contact Liesel Hans directly for more information. Background information and other synthesizing reports on the studies that generated the data used in Liesel's analyses/presentation may be found on the following website:  https://www.smartgrid.gov/recovery_act/consumer_behavior_studies).
    Estimating Demand Impacts of Gulf Power's EnergySelect CPP Program, Steven Braithwait, Christensen Associates
  • Moderator Anna Agarwal, The Brattle Group
  • Matt Johnson, EnergyHub
  • Steven Braithwait, PhD, Christensen Associates
  • Hilen Cruz, Salt River Project
  • Liesel Hans, PhD, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

12 noon - 1:00 pm Lunch Buffet in Sponsor Lounge
Afternoon Emcee: Wendy Brummer, Pacific Gas & Electric Company

1:00 - 2:00 pm Integrating Demand Response and Peak Load Management with Microgrids and Integrated DSM
Co-Moderators: Paul Miles, PECO with Ward Eames, NTC Corporate

Alienation, Bifurcation, Compensation – Oh My! Where is California Headed?
Mark S. Martinez, Southern California Edison
In 2013, the California PUC issued a new road map for the electric utilities' retail demand response programs, a path that was designed to enhance the role of demand response in meeting California's resource planning needs and operational requirements and integrate into the California wholesale market. This effort will involve “bifurcating” programs into “supply side” and “load modifying”, identifying what type of value and compensation will be assigned to the different programs, what is the role of the electric utilities and what goals shall they have, and how will demand response be coordinated and transitioned into the smart grid future of California? Where do we go from here, and who will lead the charge? This presentation will look at how California regulators and stakeholders continue to struggle with the role of demand response as the lowest cost solution for local grid reliability, customer bill savings, and GHG mitigation. Philip Barton, Microgrid and Reliability Program Director, Schneider Electric

Microgrid Projects Can Make Great Candidates for Peak Load Management
Philip Barton, Schneider Electric
Many microgrid control systems are supersets of elegant demand side management systems. Since grid tied microgrids usually involve the ability to "island" or separate from the grid, inevitably a microgrid operator or automatic microgrid control system is designed to operate with a scarcity of distributed energy resources (DER). This requirement is driven by load variability, but also due to generation variability. Most projects require a dynamic load/source control system which is critical to preserve system stability in island mode. With "campus" microgrid control system assets configured around the DER and downstream of the meter, more complex DR/VPP use cases can be stacked on top of the storm hardening, resiliency or other savings based use cases that drove the microgrid business model. More use cases increase the ROI and make for better projects.

2:00 pm Closing Remarks: 3,000 Megawatts and Counting
Rich Philip and Bob Donaldson, Duke Energy

Reflections on growing and transforming one of the nation's largest DR portfolios and preview of the PLMA 16th Fall Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, hosted by Duke Energy.

2:30 pm Adjourn

2:30 - 3:00 pm Ice Cream Social in Sponsor Lounge


REGISTRATION:  16th PLMA Fall Conference, November 3-4, 2015, Charlotte, North Carolina